Personal Training can help anyone, regardless of physical condition or age.

Personal Trainer MariettaThe first thing to do is decide what your goals are. Do you want to build muscle? Do you want simply add more definition? Lose body fat? Or do you just want to get in shape for a wedding or holiday? Are you recovering from an injury and need to exercise? Do you want to improve your athletic performance?

Imagine having someone who can answer all your questions from nutrition, stretching, managing fitness programs, weight training, cardiovascular programs….

You will start with an initial FREE consultation to assess your current state of fitness. This gives you a starting point and also a benchmark against which to measure your progress. My programs will be changed regularly, not only for variety, but also to allow for continued progression. I will customize a program to fit your needs and schedule. Some people may want to work out several times a week. Others may want an occasional check-in to get feedback. It’s your choice.

Having a regularly scheduled appointment is great for maintaining your motivation. Not only are you given one-on-one attention to make sure you are using proper form and technique and that you get the most from your workout without getting injured, you will have me to report back to. You will also be taking part in a structured and realistic program designed to deliver maximum results in a minimum time.

One on One Personal Training Program includes:

  • Consultation to discuss goals & health history
  • Body Composition: measurements, body weight & fat %
  • Before and After pictures (optional)
  • Fitness Assessment: Cardio & Strength
  • High energy personalized workouts
  • Periodic assessments to monitor progress
  • Nutrition & Supplement program included!!
  • (Month to month, 3, 6 and 12 months  programs available)
  • Half hour sessions available upon request

I emphasize in making exercise fun, so that you have the motivation to not only meet, but also exceed your goals!!!!

Get Ready for the Big Change!