Watching your Sodium Intake….

Watching your Sodium Intake….

Salt is sodium plus chloride. Both are minerals. Salt is made up of 40% sodium and 60% chloride. It’s that 40% that causes so much concern among doctors today. Their findings point to the dangers of people overdoing salt intake in their daily diets. High blood...
Mmm!! Cinnamon is Great for Weight Loss!!!

Mmm!! Cinnamon is Great for Weight Loss!!!

 Using cinnamon wisely in conjunction with a balanced, unprocessed eating regimen and a Training Program with me!!!, a smaller waistline could be yours in less time than you think!!  The following are eleven health benefits associated with this beloved spice that...
What’s in your Kitchen?

What’s in your Kitchen?

Good nutrition starts with smart choices in the grocery store. Cooking up healthy meals is a challenge if you don’t have the right ingredients in your kitchen. Plan Ahead for Success The process starts even before you head to the grocery store. Before you set...

Will Coffee help you to Lose Fat?

Downing a cup of Coffee before your workout provides more than just an added energy boost—there are a whole slew of health benefits that come along with it. (In moderation, of course) Here’s five reasons it’s time to power up with black coffee. 1....