Watching your Sodium Intake….

Watching your Sodium Intake….

Salt is sodium plus chloride. Both are minerals. Salt is made up of 40% sodium and 60% chloride. It’s that 40% that causes so much concern among doctors today. Their findings point to the dangers of people overdoing salt intake in their daily diets. High blood...
Why Giving up Sugars and Starches?

Why Giving up Sugars and Starches?

All digestible simple sugars and starches eventually get converted to glucose in our body. Most types of cells use glucose as their main fuel source. After we eat sugars or starches, our blood glucose level rises. This signals our body to produce insulin, a hormone,...

Will Coffee help you to Lose Fat?

Downing a cup of Coffee before your workout provides more than just an added energy boost—there are a whole slew of health benefits that come along with it. (In moderation, of course) Here’s five reasons it’s time to power up with black coffee. 1....
How Sodas Impact your Body?

How Sodas Impact your Body?

Drinking just one soda a day equates to consuming 39 pounds of sugar per year, which is one of the main reasons that soda consumption is strongly linked to obesity. A recent Harvard study found that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to more than 180,000...