Vicky’s Protein Delight!

Protein is used by the body to build, repair and maintain muscle tissue.  Protein is comprised of amino acids, usually referred to as the “building blocks of protein”. There are approximately 20 amino acids, 9 of which are considered essential because the...

How to get Stronger???

WORKOUT USING THE TRX SUSPENSION TRAINER ! Born in the Navy Seals, Suspension Training body weight exercise develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously.  Vicky Garcia  incorporates in her Fitness Programs the TRX Suspension Trainer, a...

4 Exercises to Battle Those Pesky Problem Spot

  We all want to look good in our little dresses and short shorts, we all want to be toned and look healthy. Instead of putting yourself through a full-body overhaul, hone in on these wedding dress and bikini highlighted areas…   Vicky Garcia Personal...